Thursday, April 18, 2019

Day 5 - God's Glory is Evident

It is too difficult to sum up this day for our teams because it was God at work.  There were some various challenges all through this week, but God has been faithful in every aspect, and it was for His glory that the families and children that our teams have ministered to are blessed.  But, it was not just a blessing they received from God in the form of a physical house, but it was the blessing of God's love that was poured out on them through the servant hands and feet of all of our teams.  It is without a doubt that our students, staff, and parents all experienced a change in their own hearts either after handing the keys to the house to the grateful families, kicking a soccer ball, jumping in a bounce house with little kids, or teaching woman about nutrition and hygiene.  It is only through the work of the Holy Spirit that made that possible.

We thank you for your prayers and support, and we ask that you continue to pray for a safe journey home.

Check out pictures from Day 5!

Check out new blogs from Tecaté Adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mr. Webmaster for putting up all the pictures and adding comments. I am certain that
    family and friends enjoyed reading the blogs and searching for pictures for their loved ones. Your job is just as important as everyone else's who contributed to the Tecate service trip.
    May all of you arrive safely back at home to celebrate Jesus's resurrection. Because He lives we can face tomorrow.
