As we cross the border, we take back memories and stories. Most of all, we pray that the relationships that were built among the communities, both in Tecate and TKA, will continue to grow, as will the desire to serve.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Adios Tecate!
Etymology shows that "adios" comes from the Latin a (“to, with”) Dios (“God”). How appropriate as a with God, Tecate!
Maundy Thursday Morning
Today is Maundy Thursday which is the holy day falling on the Thursday before Easter. It commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. At the leader devotions this morning, campus pastor, Rob Starke, shared from Matthew. In this passage, Jesus invites us to care for the poor, feed the hungry, look after the sick. By doing so, we will see Jesus in them.
Matthew 25:34-40 (NIV)
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
This week, we have been "good and faithful servants" and spread the Gospel through the love of Jesus: Sixteen houses built! Many children impacted in the soccer and Kids Club ministries! Women of Tecate drawn closer to each other and the local church by a mutual desire to live better lives through the Family & Health ministry.
One more praise! The camp raised $1727 toward the $2200 needed by Seyr Gomez for his wife who needs gallbladder surgery. She recently had a baby and has been in severe pain due to many gallstones. Seyr helps his dad, Pastor Sergio Gomez, with Baja Vision ministries, the organization which has worked with TKA for 27 years now, to identify families who need homes and to connect those families to their local pastors and churches for continued ministry.
Matthew 25:23 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
Matthew 25:34-40 (NIV)
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
This week, we have been "good and faithful servants" and spread the Gospel through the love of Jesus: Sixteen houses built! Many children impacted in the soccer and Kids Club ministries! Women of Tecate drawn closer to each other and the local church by a mutual desire to live better lives through the Family & Health ministry.
One more praise! The camp raised $1727 toward the $2200 needed by Seyr Gomez for his wife who needs gallbladder surgery. She recently had a baby and has been in severe pain due to many gallstones. Seyr helps his dad, Pastor Sergio Gomez, with Baja Vision ministries, the organization which has worked with TKA for 27 years now, to identify families who need homes and to connect those families to their local pastors and churches for continued ministry.
Matthew 25:23 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
This morning, we are taking down and cleaning the camp in 3 hours...a task that took 2 days to set up, so this is one BIG team effort!
We will head for the border when the camp is clean.
Please pray for the safety of all of our caravans as we travel back to Sunnyvale!
Please pray for the safety of all of our caravans as we travel back to Sunnyvale!
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Wednesday Reflections
See more photos on PHOTO TAB above!
Pastor Starke encouraged the students and leaders on this last build day in Tecate: to dig deep and to be encouraged because we are building the Kingdom of God. By serving in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can transform Tecate! God calls us to feed the poor and house the homeless, and He will give us all the strength we need.
Psalm 127 - Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.
1 Peter 4:11 - If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.
Hard work is good for the soul! Our site worked really hard each day especially yesterday. The reason I know is that we drank all the 3 x 5 gallon jugs of water we brought out. It is amazing that this group comes together for building this house for this family, hardly knowing each other from their normal school or work days, but in the past few days, we have become a unit with the goal of providing this shelter for this family here in Tecate. The freezing cold nights, the loud dogs, the scorching sun, the passing rain storm which soaked us, all were worth it to be in fellowship with the Lord to serve here. Our family and the neighbors do not have much but opened their heart and shared what they had. They open their humble homes to allow all of us to use their baños. They always had smiles, especially the children who loved to play soccer in the streets. We are blessed with so much in our daily lives, it is a blessing to give to the people here. We can see the appreciation the have for us. We also see their happiness, even when they have so little, they are content. It is wonderful for the kids to see the faces of the local people here, to see their happiness and simple lifestyle. Indeed the whole Tecate experience is a blessing given to us from God to help us as well as helping other, fir we are all His children.REFLECTION ONE
-Dien Nguyen, TKA Parent
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Today, was sadly our last day with the precious niñitos. We taught them about the story in Judges about Gideon, the fearful soldier and his 300 men. Señora Coulter explained how Gideon trusted God and he was victorious because of it; the children were inspired to bring all of their worries, problems, requests and praises to Jesus Cristo! We gave them prizes, lollipops and helped them with their craft, a sign with the memory verse from Judges to hang in their home. Afterwards, we played in the bouncy houses with the kids and enjoyed "pato pato ganzo" or duck duck goose. One of the highlights for both the niños and Kids Club team members was all of us being able to sign each other's t-shirts. The niños were very eager to write their names on our shirts and write us goodbye cards. The three days of The Kid's Club sessions were very fulfilling experiences and all of us students are so thankful to be able to love these kids and show them the love of God. It was incredible seeing how much joy each one of them brought to our days and how much love they had for us. The children were so eager to learn more about God and were fascinated with each one of Señora Coulter's teachings. We ended the session with many hugs, goodbyes and, even a few tears. The Lord has truly worked through the students and faculty in Kids Club to spread love, joy, and most importantly the Gospel.
-David Benkert & Maddie Payne, Grade 10
Kids Club
Kids Club
Today was the last day of Tecate. There were so many blessings that happened today to keep track of. Natasha, Miss Rosi, Miss Maria, and I were packing up the van to leave for the church when the camp kitchen ladies came to us with tons of food to take with us to the church for the people of the community. There was so much food that none of us could almost fit in the van without having to hold things! God has mysterious ways of working! The next blessing today was when we were praying in the church before the women came, and we invited Pastor Fransisco to pray with us. The prayers overwhelmed us to the point that Natasha and I were in tears. I have never felt so filled by the Holy Spirit. One of the last major blessings of the day was being part of the key ceremony at site 16. We had finished early, and Natasha and I decided to go help them, and it was a blessing to be part of building the house as well. Getting the chance to be part of the key ceremony because we helped a little was a huge blessing! God is good, and He always has plans full of love!
-Abigail Speer, Grade 11
Family and Health Ministry
Family and Health Ministry
Tonight, anyone at camp had an opportunity to share how they saw God at work this week. About a dozen students shared. A common theme was feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the many blessings they have: a home, plenty of food, education, their parents. And, they felt humbled by the generosity and love shown to them. Students who worked in Kids Club were in awe at the genuine joy the children expressed when given simple gifts of pencils, pens or glue. A family at one site made lunch for all of the team, using their time and precious few resources to feed them. There were often tears in the families eyes at the key ceremonies, and among the team members. The people of Tecate clearly blessed us as much as receiving a home or being part of a ministry blessed them. Evidence of God's "overwhelming, never-ending" love at work in and through us.
The worship team closed with "Reckless Love" and we sang together:
Oh, it chases me down, fights 'til I'm found, leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn't earn it
I don't deserve it
Still You give yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Tuesday Reflections
See more photos on PHOTO TAB above!
Team Unity
At this morning's 7:00 prayer meeting, we lifted up prayers for more unity and inter-class bonding on our sites. We also prayed for continuing strength, joy, and patience as the third day was known to be the toughest. Today was definitely the most difficult one in terms of building, and tired students were asking me for the time every twenty or thirty minutes after lunch. They widened their eyes in disbelief when I told them that we still had FOUR/THREE/TWO HOURS left in the workday?!? But they invariably wiped the dust out of their eyes, chugged down some more Gatorade, picked up their tool belts and got back up on the ladders, hammers swinging. Not a single student on my site complained or wasted time; everyone was always either busy working on part of the house or asking me what more they could do. Whenever I found them a new task, they jumped in without hesitation, sawing out windows with power tools and climbing on roofs without a hint of fear (while I, of course, watched out for their safety with great trepidation). As for unity, today I saw a great blending of the classes, with juniors and seniors taking on more responsibility over the more difficult tasks, sophomores stepping aside to let freshmen try using the power drills for the first time, and even freshmen teaching sophomores a few tricks of the woodcutting trade. When our six o'clock finish line rolled around, the leaders were greatly surprised to hear the students did not want to go back to the campsite yet, they were so invested in building! It was an exhausting but rewarding day for all, and the Lord certainly heard and honored our morning prayers. Please continue to lift up everyone's health and safety as we finish our building tomorrow.
-Victoria Su, TKA Staff
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Today was the third day building a house for our wonderful family. Even before starting the work for the day, we were all exhausted. The day was a strenuous one, including installing sheet rock and the wood panels on the roof. Today, we had to make up from the work that was lost by leaving early because of the pouring rain yesterday. Our site was very optimistic about the house, and it was really coming together quite nicely. Our house finally started looking like a real home for our amazing family. God bless!
Tecate Traditions & History
Since the inception of the Tecate trip, TKA has worked with Pastor Sergio Gomez and his organization, Baja Vision. His son, Seyr, has come alongside him to learn the ministry. Sergio and Seyr select the families in the community, from among those who are referred by local churches, who will meet the qualifications to have a house built. Baja Vision has many ministries around Tijuana beyond house building including a hospital and a hospice. Sergio and Seyr visited the ranch Tuesday.
Seyr Gomez, Julie Jahde-TKA Service Outreach Coordinator, Pastor Sergio Gomez
The bugle wake up is a tradition in Tecate. Mr. Chris Haugen, one of TKA's founders, played for years and was known for "Yes, We Have No Bananas." TKA math teacher, Howell Shaw, has continued the tradition the last two years with an extensive repertoire including many themes from the Star Wars movies, La Bamba, We Will Rock You, ¡Olé!, Hallelujah, Theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark, and many more!
The Barnabas Board is where anyone can leave a note of encouragement for any other person, student or adult, on the Tecate Team. In the Bible, “Barnabas” wasn’t his birth name (Joseph was), it was his nickname meaning “Son of Encouragement” (Acts 4:36). This rather obscure Bible character was so encouraging that it became his name.
In the past, the talent show was a regular occurrence; it was revived two years ago to critical acclaim! This third year, it returned tonight with 12 unique acts including some original poetry, jokes, riddles, singing, trumpet playing, dancing, juggling and special performances by Sergio Gomez playing the accordian and the kitchen crew performing an original dance to "Weird Al" Yankovic's "Eat It."
Building Homes in the Hearts of the Children: Kids Club
The Routine: Every morning is the same. We awake groggily to the sound of Mr. Shaw playing themes like Star Wars and Indiana Jones on the trumpet. We hang out with friends, eat breakfast, and prepare ourselves for the day. In Kids Club, we pack lunches for us, and assemble snacks and craft kits for the kids. After preparation is done, we pack up and ship out to our first site, a nearby school. We set up in the schools' playground. Together, we lay down a tarp, set up canopies, and bring in tables which hold crafts and snacks for the kids. Just before Kids Club starts, we play with the kids. Once Kids Club starts, Senora Coulter begins to play the accordion and sing worship songs. We all join in, smiling and teaching the new kids the words and motions. After a bit of fun, Senora Coulter tells the kids a Bible story, and they learn a corresponding verse. (The main message for all the stories is to trust in God, as it says on our Kids Club t-shirts.) After the kids learn the verse, and repeat it for a lollipop, we sit down with the kids and help them make a craft the goes along with the story. After they are done they can play, or go in the bounce house we set up. Finally, we run around and play with the kids for another hour or so, and wave goodbye. We get a lunch break, and repeat our Kids Club routine at another site a few miles away, located near 5 of the building sites. When that's done, we drive back to camp, stopping at the grocery store for some ice cream, and play cards and talk until dinner. After chapel, we collapse in our sleeping bags, or talk to friends, tired but excited for another day of serving Our God, this country and its kids.
The Routine: Every morning is the same. We awake groggily to the sound of Mr. Shaw playing themes like Star Wars and Indiana Jones on the trumpet. We hang out with friends, eat breakfast, and prepare ourselves for the day. In Kids Club, we pack lunches for us, and assemble snacks and craft kits for the kids. After preparation is done, we pack up and ship out to our first site, a nearby school. We set up in the schools' playground. Together, we lay down a tarp, set up canopies, and bring in tables which hold crafts and snacks for the kids. Just before Kids Club starts, we play with the kids. Once Kids Club starts, Senora Coulter begins to play the accordion and sing worship songs. We all join in, smiling and teaching the new kids the words and motions. After a bit of fun, Senora Coulter tells the kids a Bible story, and they learn a corresponding verse. (The main message for all the stories is to trust in God, as it says on our Kids Club t-shirts.) After the kids learn the verse, and repeat it for a lollipop, we sit down with the kids and help them make a craft the goes along with the story. After they are done they can play, or go in the bounce house we set up. Finally, we run around and play with the kids for another hour or so, and wave goodbye. We get a lunch break, and repeat our Kids Club routine at another site a few miles away, located near 5 of the building sites. When that's done, we drive back to camp, stopping at the grocery store for some ice cream, and play cards and talk until dinner. After chapel, we collapse in our sleeping bags, or talk to friends, tired but excited for another day of serving Our God, this country and its kids.
Tonight: Tonight their will be a talent show for all to enjoy.
Inspiring Events:
Day 1: Already so many connections were made on the first day. Right when we stepped into the school yard, kids immediately rushed towards us, eager for our arrival, they were excited to play with us. We played 'Pato Pato Gonzalo' ( Duck Duck Goose) Telephone, and then Cops and Robbers. By the end of the club, the kids were clinging to many of us, not wanting us to leave. We smiled and promised to return tomorrow.
Day 2: Everyone got to see their kids, (we consider them ours), and again we played 'Pato Pato Gonzalo', and later, Link Tag. During the story kids of all ages gathered, from baby to teen, to even parent. They all sat attentively, drinking in the words, and I hope the Lord was able to touch their hearts through it.
Day 3: We had a slow start, but ready hearts. We ran and laughed and sang with the kids. Many of us even got up and danced with the kids throughout the worship songs. We helped them with their crafts which they loved, and some kids even gave their crafts as presents to those who helped them. These kids truly do share everything they have with us, and those around them. Whether it be crafts, snacks, games or anything else, these kids give kindly and wholeheartedly. The best we can do is be even a fraction like these amazing kids. As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:13-15
Until tomorrow,
Praise for Tecate A-Team!
These young men and their leaders are the backbone and the muscle of the camp. The A-Team traveled down a day in advance to unload the semis and set up our tent city! Not only did they set up the tents but they put everyone's luggage in their respective tents. What a warm and wonderful welcome to find your luggage in your tent! The A-Team also manage the trash, clean up the camp, refill supplies, help carry heavy items for whomever has a need, and many, many more tasks in addition to serving on a building site all day. They are a marvelous, united team, and we appreciate their servant leadership.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Monday: Reflections
See more photos on PHOTO TAB above!
Today was the first day of the Family and Health ministry. I never thought I would be so blessed like I was on the first day. Natasha and I went out originally to go invite women to the meeting we were holding. We were walking to site 5, which was in the area around the church, when we came across a woman who was here visiting her mom from the U.S. She was able to speak English and communicate with us which already was such a blessings because, at that point, Google Translate was not getting along with us. She was with her mom and her son, and she was telling us about how her mom just moved here and had nothing. We saw the grace of God working by her talking about how she wanted to be able to afford a house for her and one day have King's build it. That was the grace of God working just there. Then later, we were having lunch with the ladies and children at Pastor Fransisco's church, and we saw one of the little girls wanting to be by her mom and eat with her. The love that you saw between those two was so strong that it started to make me tear up and see God's work. Miss Rosie and Miss Maria told Natasha and me that we would have "God Moments" on the trip, but I did not know they would come that soon. I am so ready to see what God has in store for rest of the trip!
-Abigail Speer, Grade 11
Family and Health Ministry Team
Today was our second building day, and most of us have all of our walls up! Further progress today was halted by the rain late in the day. Fortunately, it wasn't raining at camp, so we all had the opportunity to eat nachos and change into dry clothes! Though we were frustrated by the interruption due to the downpour, we are all still so grateful for the families who have helped. Even small children helped to paint! We built deeper relationships with the families; students and adults talked to the families and learned more about their lives and faith. Fun things on sites include: learning more Spanish, receiving gifts of food from the locals, and mastering new skills. Back at the camp, the student worship team was (literally) rocking it and raising their voices to God. SL (Spiritual Life) team comedy duo, Sam and Chetan, brought both laugher and the daily announcements through their skits to all of us again. Although we are all pretty tired, we are excited for another beautiful day of service tomorrow! This is Ming and Alison of SL team signing off from Tecate, Mexico! Adios!
-Alison Hamblin & Mingyuan Dong, Grade 11
All year I've had students and staff members tell me stories about Tecate. As such, I've been excited to see this place that so many members of the TKA community have traveled to right before Easter for the past 26 years- over 400 people living in tents for a week without running water, building houses and relationships with the people of this city. And I have been blown away by the service mindset exhibited by each person I've interacted with. On this Monday of Holy Week, I am thankful for the chance to take a step back, look outside of myself, and remember that each of us is called to serve our neighbor. All three of the speakers this week have reminded us that because of what Jesus has already done for us, what we will celebrate this coming weekend with Easter, we can confidently move forward in love and service to both the families in Tecate and to each other. It seems so simple, and yet I'm thankful for the important reminder.
-Chrissy Guerra, TKA Staff
Tonight at chapel, TKA staff member and Tecate EMT, Hanna Sandquist, spoke to the students about how she has realized a bullying incident when she was in 4th grade deeply affected her. Because she didn't really know how to handle it, she shut the world out and found that to be strong, resilient, and to cope, she now found it difficult to express emotion and vulnerability. This manifested also in a fear of failure because to fail is to show weakness. Consequently, she avoided anything that she wasn't good at because it was only safe to do what she was good at and succeed. This resulted in becoming prideful. Even now, she confessed she deals with a fear of failure. She referred to John 15:5: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." She asked God to "prune her" yet she was stubborn and really wanted to keep things as they were. God kept her awake one night (Hanna said this is how God speaks to depriving her of the sleep she values!) and told her to get baptized. She resisted, but then succumbed. The pastor who baptized her asked what she was "keeping out of the water, " and holding on to. Hanna recognized she was holding on to many things including pride and the safety of the emotional walls she built. But she responded to God that she would be "all in." To this day, Hanna expressed she has to ask God to prune her daily to remain in the vine. She encouraged everyone to think about what they are "keeping out of the water," holding on to, and to give it to God.

Family and Health Ministry Team
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Hola from Tecate!
Today was our second building day, and most of us have all of our walls up! Further progress today was halted by the rain late in the day. Fortunately, it wasn't raining at camp, so we all had the opportunity to eat nachos and change into dry clothes! Though we were frustrated by the interruption due to the downpour, we are all still so grateful for the families who have helped. Even small children helped to paint! We built deeper relationships with the families; students and adults talked to the families and learned more about their lives and faith. Fun things on sites include: learning more Spanish, receiving gifts of food from the locals, and mastering new skills. Back at the camp, the student worship team was (literally) rocking it and raising their voices to God. SL (Spiritual Life) team comedy duo, Sam and Chetan, brought both laugher and the daily announcements through their skits to all of us again. Although we are all pretty tired, we are excited for another beautiful day of service tomorrow! This is Ming and Alison of SL team signing off from Tecate, Mexico! Adios!
-Alison Hamblin & Mingyuan Dong, Grade 11
All year I've had students and staff members tell me stories about Tecate. As such, I've been excited to see this place that so many members of the TKA community have traveled to right before Easter for the past 26 years- over 400 people living in tents for a week without running water, building houses and relationships with the people of this city. And I have been blown away by the service mindset exhibited by each person I've interacted with. On this Monday of Holy Week, I am thankful for the chance to take a step back, look outside of myself, and remember that each of us is called to serve our neighbor. All three of the speakers this week have reminded us that because of what Jesus has already done for us, what we will celebrate this coming weekend with Easter, we can confidently move forward in love and service to both the families in Tecate and to each other. It seems so simple, and yet I'm thankful for the important reminder.
-Chrissy Guerra, TKA Staff
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Tonight at chapel, TKA staff member and Tecate EMT, Hanna Sandquist, spoke to the students about how she has realized a bullying incident when she was in 4th grade deeply affected her. Because she didn't really know how to handle it, she shut the world out and found that to be strong, resilient, and to cope, she now found it difficult to express emotion and vulnerability. This manifested also in a fear of failure because to fail is to show weakness. Consequently, she avoided anything that she wasn't good at because it was only safe to do what she was good at and succeed. This resulted in becoming prideful. Even now, she confessed she deals with a fear of failure. She referred to John 15:5: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." She asked God to "prune her" yet she was stubborn and really wanted to keep things as they were. God kept her awake one night (Hanna said this is how God speaks to depriving her of the sleep she values!) and told her to get baptized. She resisted, but then succumbed. The pastor who baptized her asked what she was "keeping out of the water, " and holding on to. Hanna recognized she was holding on to many things including pride and the safety of the emotional walls she built. But she responded to God that she would be "all in." To this day, Hanna expressed she has to ask God to prune her daily to remain in the vine. She encouraged everyone to think about what they are "keeping out of the water," holding on to, and to give it to God.

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