Vinny and I also helped translate at the key ceremony on Site 1. We visited this site every day this week so we spent time getting to know the family each time we visited. The team was thankful every time we showed up because they didn't really have a strong Spanish speaker. The young couple, Christian and Judith are in their early 20s and have a four year old son, Christian. They will be living right next to Judith's parents who have a house that was built for them about 5 years ago (very similar to a TKA house but constructed by a different group.) Judith's mom invited us in to show us how they have made the house into a HOME. The walls were painted beautiful coral, turquoise and mint green. They had added crown molding, a ceiling fan and a built in book case. It was a treat to see how the family had made this house their own. We know Judith and Christian will do the same with the house we built together. They helped every day and are so thankful for their new home!

Christian working hard.
For Anna...
The electricity works!!
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